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Abundance Frequency Essential Oil Collection


This collection helps to support the heart, which carries the emotion of love. These products also support the Mitochondria’s product of ATP, which is the body’s energy. When the body has abundant energy, you can feel like you have more of a capacity to attempt to do big things in life.

Parasympathetic® blend is the missing link that has helped thousands bring their health back into balance and eliminate unwanted health symptoms like fatigue, depression, anxiety, migraines, inflammation, and extra weight.

HEART™:  Balances the heart to support, integrate and reset all the systems of the body, including mental clarity, physical health, and emotional balance.  Supports feelings of open-heartedness, expansiveness, and receptivity while mitigating loneliness, sadness, and grief.

FOCUS™:   Assist with memory retention and mental alertness. Enhances alertness, clear thought awakens the brain, and sharpens mental processes.

BRAIN BOOST™:   Formulated to assist the brain when extra thinking power is needed, Brain Boost™ produces an elevated mental state. The blend was specifically formulated with Helichrysum and sandalwood and Melissa oils which are touted for brain function and known to cross the blood-brain barrier and assist in carrying oxygen to the pineal and pituitary glands.

Abundance: is a manifesting blend that helps you attract wealth and health into your life. Eight essential oils are combined to create an aroma that enhances the frequency of the energy field.


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