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Complete Ear Health


Complete Ear Health™ is a 100% Food supplement that is intended to supply nutrients, glandulars, and herbs needed to maintain and support optimal ear health.

  • Support ear health
  • Provides real antioxidant
  • Enhanced immune health
  • Detoxifier

90 Capsules

Hearing problems are exceptionally common.  From tinnitus to actually hearing loss, there are numerous hearing problems.  Actually “disorders of the auditory system affect nearly 28 million Americans” [1], with over 23.2 million having hearing loss [2].
Your hearing is important. Complete Ear Health™ is the only mineral containing 100% Food supplement, we are aware of, intended to nutritionally support the ears.

Specific glandular tissue naturally contains nutrients needed for the ears. Tillandsia is a type of moss that provides nutrients and has strong absorptive properties.

[1] Strohecker J, ed.  Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide.  Future Medicine Publishing, Fife (WA), 1995
[2] Balch JF, Balch PA.  Prescription for a Nutritional Healing, 2nd ed.  Avery Publishing, Garden City Park (NJ), 1997


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