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  • Assists with detoxification of toxic metals and pesticides
  • Support cellular health
  • Support colon health

Detox-N-Cleanse is a 100% vegan Food supplement. Detox-N-Cleanse is a synergistic blend of foods and food extracts intended to help support a healthy colon, urinary, metal, and other detoxification. Pollution can be a serious issue, so many naturally-minded individuals are justifiably concerned about detoxification.

The outside air is polluted, the indoor air is polluted, water is polluted, and the industrialized food supply is polluted with toxins. There are vehicle exhausts, industrial gases, industrial chemicals, chlorinated-fluoridated-plasticized tap water, molds, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, radiation, colorings, perfumes, colognes, medications, printer/copier dust, paints, carpet out-gassing, cleaning supplies, and a host of other pollutants. Even toys are still found containing toxic chemicals (and even those that have supposedly “safe” materials, like plastic, can still outgas).

Detoxification from toxins makes a great deal of sense in this chemically-altered modern world.


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