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Magnesium Complex


Magnesium Complex is a 100% vegan Food supplement that is intended to supply 100% Food magnesium.  Magnesium is involved in 300 enzymatic steps in which components of food are metabolized and new products are formed.  

  • Provides food magnesium 
  • One of the most nutrient-dense magnesium foods available anywhere 
  • Easier on the digestive system than mineral salts can be 

 Size: 90 & 270 Tablets 

 Product Details 

Clinical deficiency of magnesium can result in “depressed tendon reflexes, muscle fasciculations, tremor, muscle spasm, personality changes, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting”. Magnesium deficiency reportedly produces hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and dyslipoproteinemia by increasing VLDL and low-density lipoprotein and decreasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It has been claimed that “The alarming increase in sudden death from ischemic heart disease, and the increasing number of young men who develop myocardial infarctions and cardiac arrhythmias or arrests in the past half-century may be related in part to magnesium insufficiency”. 

Contains naturally occurring carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (including all ten essential amino acids), superoxide dismutase, and truly organic bioflavonoids as found in enzymatically processed Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rice bran Oryza sativa,Mixed vegetable fiber Cellula vegetabalis, Kelp thallus Ascophyllum nodesumDulse plant Rhodymenia palmatta, and Buckwheat rutinFagopyrum esculentumall the nutrients shown above are contained in these foods. Unlike many so-called “natural” magnesium formulas, Magnesium Complex is true food magnesium (not a mineral salt) that contains no synthetic USP nutrients or mineral salts, but only contains foods, food complexes, and food concentrates. 

Numerous university studies have concluded that supplements containing food nutrients are better than USP isolates. Food nutrients are better because they contain important enzymes, peptides, and phytonutrients CRITICAL to the UTILIZATION of vitamins and minerals which are not present in isolated USP nutrients. Published research has concluded that food vitamins are superior to synthetic/USP vitamins. 

None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All products distributed by The Wellness Trinity, LLC are nutritional and are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition. 


90 Tablets (SM), 270 Tablets (LG)


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