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TheraEMF Protect – Home Harmonizer Protect


  • Protect against EMF signals – Cell Phones – Electrical and Battery devices
  • Protect against RF signals – Wireless Phones
  • Protect against Wireless Network Signals
  • Stress Relief
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Stamina
  • Improved Sleep
  • Better Concentration and Mental Clarity – Focus
  • Energetic Balancing
  • Immune SupportRelief from those who suffer from any stress related health condition such as: Electro Smog sensitivity•Chronic stress headaches•Anxiety•Lyme Disease* Cancer•Autism•ADHD•Alzheimer’s•Asthma
Strengthen the integrity of your biofield and protect yourself, your loved ones, and your home!!
This is the future of protection from the harmful effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF), Extreme Low Frequencies (ELF),  Radio Frequencies (RF), and 5G.

The exponential rate of increased levels of exposure from Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs)  and associated illnesses/health-related problems inspired Therasage to team up with a two-generational company that specializes in bio-energetic technology, and developed something that is simple to use and totally effective in helping the body stay strong and fight off the adverse effects of 5G, EMF, and or wireless technologies.

Therasage identified a growing problem and raised our concerns about the negative impact on the emotional and physical health of our population. After many years of Research & Development, we have discovered and formulated an easy-to-use solution.

The selection of TheraHarmonizers for your cell phone, tablet, laptop, car, and home, solutions and our additional choices of harmonizing technologies and applications use a unique substrate with multi-layered complimentary frequencies that are programmed with a patented and proprietary formula that entails over 200 separate frequencies.

Each TheraHarmonizer is programmed in a particular sequence, using specialized imprinting longitudinal electromagnetic waves onto an unequaled medium impervious to outside influences.


Therasage tested hundreds of different devices and applications in order to develop a device version with an outstanding positive performance and unmatched results.


Altogether, Therasage’s TheraHarmonizer line of EMF solutions has developed a state of the art harmonizing technologies integrated into a device that is easy to use in every household or office that is effective and safe.


In the typical Therasage missions, Our Home Harmonizer is easy to use and afford and really works!!


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