THYROID SUPPORT™ BENEFITS: Supports clear expression and harmonious communication, overcoming feelings of humiliation, inhibition, and denial.
THYROID SUPPORT™ INDICATIONS: The thyroid gland, located below Adam’s apple on the neck, coordinates the metabolism (growth and rate of function) of almost every cell in the body. It controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls the body’s sensitivity to other hormones.
The thyroid relates emotionally to self-expression and the struggle to communicate. This includes speaking up for ourselves as well as not suppressing our truth, failing to ask for what we want and or feel we do not have the right to ask for what we want. Suppressed communication can give rise to feelings of humiliation, never getting to do what one wants to do, or thoughts and emotions related to one’s turn in life.
An inability to speak one’s truth – including difficulty in self-expression, feeling suppressed or shut down in creative endeavors or “swallowing” or “stifling” your words to keep the peace or win people’s approval — will often cause physical problems in the thyroid, mouth, and neck area around the throat.
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