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Ultimate Detox Bundle

$182.00 $177.00 Save 3%

Herbal Antioxidant: Supports healthy antioxidant levels and overall health.*

Green Vegetable Alkalizer: Provides a convenient way to add the power of greens to your diet for a natural detoxifying effect.*

Detox-N-Cleanse: Promotes gentle cleansing and supports the body’s natural detoxification processes.*

Liva-De Tox Support: Formulated to support healthy liver function, essential for detoxification.* (Note: Check product details for specific claims)

C Complex: Promotes overall health and well-being.

Neutralize & eliminate toxins in the gut and systemically throughout the body and brain.

Support your liver & colon organs of elimination.

Clear the brain fog Increase your energy!

The liver is a key organ for detoxification.

C Complex is a 100% vegetarian Food supplement that is intended to supply 100% Food Vitamin C. Unlike some other so-called “whole food” vitamins, it does not contain any isolated ascorbic acid.

Herbal Antioxidant is a Food and contains beta carotene within carrots and turmeric, thus it includes multiple carotenoids, unlike isolated beta-carotene which is in many antioxidant formulas.

Green Vegetable Alkalizer: This concentrated formula provides a blend of green vegetables known to support the body’s natural detoxification processes

Detox-N-Cleanse: This powerful formula is packed with all-natural ingredients like milk thistle, dandelion root, and burdock root, which work together to support healthy liver function and promote the elimination of toxins from your body.

Liva-DeTox: This potent liver support formula is designed to help you maintain healthy liver function, which is essential for optimal detoxification.

Recommended tests: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Urine Metals Test, TOXDetect (chemicals)

Essential Oils this Kit Pairs well with: Detox Support Kit


Recommended tests: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, GPL-TOX (Non-Heavy Metal Chemicals)

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a laboratory examination that measures 36 minerals and toxic metals present in your hair. The mineral balance in your hair can provide crucial information about the functioning of your adrenal and thyroid glands, metabolic type, stress patterns, immune system, and other areas of your health. 

GPL-TOX panel offers you comprehensive testing to assess exposure to common environmental toxins and the damage that can be caused by this exposure and all from one urine sample


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