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Helichrysm™ Essential Oil

HELICHRYSUM BENEFITS: Helichrysum essential oil is distilled from the flowers of the perennial herb Helichrysum
augustifolium, which is part of the daisy family. Also called immortelle and everlasting because the flowers of the plant keep their bright yellow color even when dried, Helichrysum is rich in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-hematic, anticoagulant, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. It can be used for respiratory ailments, skin trouble, liver and gallbladder issues,
inflammation, insomnia, infections and emotional uses.

HELICHRYSUM INDICATIONS: Helichrysum may be used to support:

  • Skin: Helps maintain a youthful appearance, soothe acne and blemishes, smooth fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and scars. It may also help calm and heal burns, cuts, wounds, bruises, varicose veins and spider veins.
  • Emotions: Helichrysum may help with grounding, balancing and promoting positive feelings, like hopefulness, courage and strength, as well as reducing stress and recovering from trauma. Research found that inhaling Helichrysum essential oil helps alleviate mental exhaustion and burnout and may also help clarify thoughts and strengthen memory skills.
  • Respiratory Issues: Helichrysum’s antispasmodic properties can provide quick relief from and be used as a preventative agent against spasms present in coughs, colds and allergies Helichrysum oil may also help relieve to respiratory tracts and eradicates the formation of phlegm that causes intense coughing.
  • Pain and Inflammation: Helps alleviate joint and muscle pain, support wound healing, calm inflammation, including sprains and tissue damage.
  • Digestive Support: May help alleviate constipation, indigestion and reflux, bloating, stomach problems, candida, and gut infections.
  • Detoxification Support: Supportive for liver and gallbladder heath
  • Immune: Helichrysum’s anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties have been shown to help support immune health. Research found that helichrysum essential oil had “a substantial fungicidal effect on the fungi under study.”
  • Heart health: Helichrysum essential oil possesses anticoagulant and anti-hematic properties that may help thin blood, dissolve or liquefy blood clots that can result in hemorrhage and heart attacks.
  • Nerve health: Helichrysum oil is a nervine, which means it stimulates nervous system and keeps it in order. It may help strengthen the nerves of the brain and regular use of this oil can protect you from hemorrhage, blood clot formation, stress, anxiety attacks, and depression.

HOW TO USE HELICHRYSUM: Helichrysum can be inhaled, topically applied or added to your skin care regimen To relieve tension and stress, massage a drop or two of Helichrysum on back of the neck and temples. To relieve respiratory issues, add a drop or two of Helichrysum and rub in the hands and inhale several times in a day. You can also add helichrysum to your existing body care products.

WHEN TO USE HELICHRYSUM: Helichrysum is very gentle and a little goes a long way, so less is more Use as needed to alleviate pain or support skin health.

HELICHRYSUM INGREDIENTS: 100% Helichrysum Essential Oil, Wild Harvested in Corsica


  • To relieve tension and stress, massage a drop or two of Helichrysum on back of the neck and temples.
  • To relieve respiratory issues, add a drop or two of Helichrysum and rub in the hands and inhale several times in a day.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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