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Back to School Kit


Vibrant Blue Oils Back to School Kit contains three powerful oils

  • Parasympathetic®
  • Immune Support™
  • Adrenal®

To help support your mental, physical, and emotional health, including your immune health.

Heading: Boost Your Family’s Health and Well-Being with Essential Oils This School Year

As the return to the classroom brings more in-person connections and interactions, it’s more important than ever to keep your family healthy, happy, and calm. Essential oils, when applied topically, can play a powerful role in supporting overall wellness. Inhalation of these oils sends direct signals to the brain, which in turn triggers the body to respond with elevated energy levels and balanced biological functions. These include heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, and immune response—all crucial for thriving in a busy school environment. Research shows that essential oils applied to the skin can enter the bloodstream within 20 minutes, offering quick and effective support. Plus, because the brain is primarily composed of fat, and essential oils are fat-soluble, they easily penetrate and assimilate into the body’s systems.

Essential Oils for Back-to-School Wellness:

The Vibrant Blue Oils Back to School Kit includes three powerful oils—Parasympathetic®, Immune Support™, and Adrenal®—each designed to support your mental, physical, and emotional well-being, including immune health.

  • Parasympathetic®: This blend helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “rest-and-digest” state crucial for resetting the immune system and reducing inflammation. Poor digestion can hinder immune function by limiting nutrient absorption, but by applying Parasympathetic® to the vagus nerve (located behind the earlobe on the mastoid bone) before meals, you can stimulate digestion and enhance immune modulation.
  • Adrenal®: Your adrenal glands produce cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, which fuels your energy during times of physical or emotional stress. Overworked adrenals can lead to fatigue and insufficient energy to maintain optimal health. The Adrenal® blend contains energizing oils like Thyme, Cinnamon, and Rosemary, which act like adaptogens to support adrenal function, invigorate your energy levels, and reduce anxiety symptoms. Apply Adrenal® to the lower mid-back (just above the 12th rib) or smell it through your left nostril to help balance these crucial hormones.
  • Immune Support™: The immune system’s job is to protect the body from toxins and foreign substances. When out of balance, it can mistakenly attack healthy cells, leading to autoimmune conditions. Immune Support™ is designed to bring the immune system back into balance, helping to prevent illness and promote healing. To fend off sickness or speed up recovery, apply Immune Support™ diluted to the throat or the bottom of the feet 2-3 times daily. For a simple, effective nightly routine, rub the oil on the bottoms of your family’s feet before bed—this can even be done while they’re asleep!

Incorporating these essential oils into your daily routine can help keep your family resilient and thriving as they head back to school.


Consider an Upgrade with Breathe Kit, Sinus Support Oil


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